The Bible has been the most influential text in all of Western culture. It's difficult to understand medieval or early modern or much of modern literature without knowing it...
Prof. Barbara Newman, Northwestern University from 2006 Bible Literary project
It's not that it's impossible to read some writers without a Biblical background, but that you would miss a whole dimension to their work.
Prof. Steven Goldsmith, University of California at Berkeley from 2006 Bible Literary Project
I can only say that if a student doesn't know any Bible literature, he or she will simply not understand whole elements of Shakespeare, Sidney, Spenser, Milton, Pope, Wordsworth
Prof. Robert Kiely, Harvard University from 2006 Bible Literary Project
...there is truth in the remark. "without Tyndale[Bible translator], no Shakespeare"...
Prof. David Daniell, University College London from The Bible in English
You can't really study Western literature intelligently or coherently without starting with the Bible.
Prof. Gerald L. Bruns, University of Notre Dame from 2006 Bible Literary Project
...a familiar understanding of Christian doctrine in historical perspective thus contributes to a fuller appreciation of Shakespeare's art, but Shakespeare's art
Prof. Roland M. Frye from Shakespeare and the Christian Doctrine
In English tradition and also for an American tradition begun by Puritan writers, a knowledge of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament is even more crucial than classical references.
Prof. Ulrich Knoefplmacher, Princeton University from 2006 Bible Literary Project
There is no book more important for our culture than the Bible, and it is fundametal to the study of English literature and language.
Prof. David Jasper and Prof. Stephen Prickett from the Bible and literature
图片说明: David and Goliath 图片版权:
年轻的大卫和巨人歌利亚之间的交战,最初被认为是一场弱者与强者之间的悬殊较量。但这名后来成为以色列国王的年轻人,凭着他对上帝的信心,最终赢了这场战斗。 当时非利士已经集结军队准备攻打以色列,歌利亚就是非利士军的一员,以色列的士兵都很怕他。一天大卫听到歌利亚正公然向以色列军队挑衅,为稳定军心,大卫自愿迎战歌利亚。 大卫对歌利亚说:「你来攻击我靠的是刀枪和铜戟,而我攻击你是以万能的上帝之名。今天我将把非利士人的尸体奉献给鸟儿们,让全世界都知道以色列有个神能让他的军队在不用刀枪的情况下战胜敌人。战争的胜利必然是属于上帝的,他会帮助我们打败你们。」 交战开始,歌利亚逐渐向大卫逼近。大卫从袋子里掏出一块石子,将它掷向歌利亚的额头。石子射穿了歌利亚的头盔,他面朝下倒在了地上。大卫拿起歌利亚的刀,割下了他的头。众非利士人看到他们讨战的勇士死了,便开始逃跑。以色列军队乘胜追击,一举歼灭了非利士军,并占领了他们的营地。 David and Goliath后来常用于比喻那些以弱胜强的战争或竞赛。例如,在球赛中,两队强弱悬殊,便会被形容为大卫对歌利亚的赛事(a match between David and Goliath)。
A lot of phrases, such as "two-edged sword" and " an eye for an eye", are taken from the English Bible. Learning the stories behind these idioms is fun, and can help boost your vocabulary. Click here to find out now!
Common names such as Joseph and Rachel have their origins in the Bible. Want to know their stories before picking the right name for yourself? Click here to find out.