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The Bible has been the most influential text in all of Western culture. It's difficult to understand medieval or early modern or much of modern literature without knowing it...

Prof. Barbara Newman, Northwestern University
from 2006 Bible Literary project


It's not that it's impossible to read some writers without a Biblical background, but that you would miss a whole dimension to their work.

Prof. Steven Goldsmith, University of California at Berkeley
from 2006 Bible Literary Project


I can only say that if a student doesn't know any Bible literature, he or she will simply not understand whole elements of Shakespeare, Sidney, Spenser, Milton, Pope, Wordsworth

Prof. Robert Kiely, Harvard University
from 2006 Bible Literary Project


...there is truth in the remark. "without Tyndale[Bible translator], no Shakespeare"...

Prof. David Daniell, University College London
from The Bible in English


You can't really study Western literature intelligently or coherently without starting with the Bible.

Prof. Gerald L. Bruns, University of Notre Dame
from 2006 Bible Literary Project


...a familiar understanding of Christian doctrine in historical perspective thus contributes to a fuller appreciation of Shakespeare's art, but Shakespeare's art

Prof. Roland M. Frye
from Shakespeare and the Christian Doctrine


In English tradition and also for an American tradition begun by Puritan writers, a knowledge of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament is even more crucial than classical references.

Prof. Ulrich Knoefplmacher, Princeton University
from 2006 Bible Literary Project


There is no book more important for our culture than the Bible, and it is fundametal to the study of English literature and language.

Prof. David Jasper and Prof. Stephen Prickett
from the Bible and literature




Pride goes before destruction,
A haughty spirit before a fall (Proverbs 16:18)
驕傲在敗壞以先 狂心在跌倒之前 。(箴言16:18)

A cheerful heart is good medicine,
But a crushed spirit dries up the bones (Proverbs 17:22)
喜樂的心 ,乃是良藥 。憂傷的靈,使骨枯幹 。(箴言17:22)

Stolen water is sweet;
Food eaten in secret is delicious! (Proverbs 9:17)
偷來的水是甜的 ,暗吃的餅是好的 。(箴言9:17)

Lazy hands make a man poor,
But diligent hands bring wealth. (Proverbs 10:4)
手懶的要受貧窮 。手勤的卻要富足 。(箴言10:4)

聖經蘊含大量的成語. 妳知道“go the extra mile(多走壹裏路)”“pride comes before a fall(驕兵必敗)”這些日常用語都是來自聖經嗎?這些成語背後都有壹個寓言或故事。閱讀聖經有助妳更好運用這些成語。這是因為妳不僅僅了解這些成語的字面意思,更了解這些成語背後的故事

聖經是著名作家的靈感來源 不說不知,威廉·莎士比亞( William Shakespeare)的戲劇也取材於聖經。他編寫戲劇的時代,正是英文版聖經開始流傳於民間之時。如果妳不相信,以下是莎士比亞戲劇中的詩句和聖經經文的對照文本:

Blessed are the peacemakers on earth.
來自Henry VI, Part 2(2.1) 及馬太福音 5:9 (KJV)

My name be blotted from the book of life.
來自Richard II (1.3) 及詩篇69:28 (KJV)

此外, 壹些著名作家如約翰·本仁(John Bunyan),艾略特 (T S Eliot),葉慈(WB Yeats), 海明威(Ernest Hemmingway) 等都受聖經所啟發,寫成了千古名作。

阅读圣经也能提高你的电影鉴赏力。 如果经典莎士比亚戏剧不合你的胃口,那你可看Matrix《骇客帝国》,《纳尼亚传奇》。好莱坞电影中也有许多圣经的意象。如果你没有读过圣经,很有可能你不能明白《骇客帝国》像Morpheus梦神莫斐斯这些角色的在圣经中的含义。甚至女主角的名字-Trinity-也源自于基督教三位一体的概念。很多电影名其实乃直接取自于圣经。比如说有:《现代启示录》(来自于《启示录》),中译《巴别塔》或火线交错(来自于《创世纪》)等等。

最后,圣经是免费的, 在互联网上你可找到很多免费网上圣经如(www.o-bible.com),有些更是中英对照的。


我们在这网站上所引用的圣经经文大部分来自新国际版本(New International Version)—这是因为此版本既保留了英王钦定版的华丽词藻,又富有现代英文简洁的优点。

Search idiom or name

A lot of phrases, such as "two-edged sword" and " an eye for an eye", are taken from the English Bible. Learning the stories behind these idioms is fun, and can help boost your vocabulary. Click here to find out now!

What's in a name?

Common names such as Joseph and Rachel have their origins in the Bible. Want to know their stories before picking the right name for yourself? Click here to find out.